son.Messi was rushed by a crazy fan, the bodyguard with a salary of 75 billion took timely action and received a rain of compliments.

Since joining Inter Miami, superstar Lionel Messi has been hired by the team with a personal bodyguard, Yassine Cheuko. According to British media, Yassine receives compensation of up to 3 million USD (75 billion) per year.

Yassine herself shows that she is worthy of this salary. At the match between Inter Miami and Sporting KC on April 14, a crazy fan suddenly climbed onto the field and ran towards Messi. Immediately, Yassine rushed onto the field, grabbed his hip and pulled him away from the Argentine star. A few seconds later, security forces arrived. Fans were amazed by the series of quick actions from Yassine.

Messi was rushed by a crazy fan, his bodyguard with a salary of 75 billion took timely action and received a shower of compliments - Photo 1.

Messi’s bodyguard quickly rushed onto the field when he saw an excited fan

Messi was rushed by a crazy fan, his bodyguard with a salary of 75 billion took timely action and received a shower of compliments - Photo 2.

Messi’s bodyguard quickly hugged the attacker

Messi was rushed by a crazy fan, his bodyguard with a salary of 75 billion took timely action and received a shower of compliments - Photo 3.

After that, Messi’s bodyguard pulled this person away

“He runs faster than a runner,” one person commented.

“Messi’s bodyguard is worth the money,” another account said.

Messi has received great attraction since moving to Inter Miami. Therefore, many times fans have illegally entered the stadium to have close contact with the Argentine superstar. In most of these situations, Yassine successfully resolved them.

Superstar Messi started the 2024 season promisingly with Inter Miami by scoring 3 goals and 1 assist in 3 matches. However, the injury caused the 2022 World Cup champion to miss the next 4 matches. When he returned, Messi could not help Inter Miami overcome Monterrey in the quarterfinals of the Concacaf Club Championship. However, in the last match against Sporting KC in MLS, Messi pocketed a goal and an assist to help the home team win 3-2.

Messi was rushed by a crazy fan, his bodyguard with a salary of 75 billion took timely action and received a shower of compliments - Photo 4.

Yassine followed Messi closely when the Argentine superstar took the field

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