rom. The veterinarians were deeply moved as the small shelter dog, who was pregnant, delivered a significant number of puppies.

Stuck in an overcrowded rural Kentucky shelter, a tiny terrier with a rapidly growing belly waited for help. If the shelter had too many dogs now, it would certainly be overwhelmed once she gave birth.

Luckily, when veterinarians from the Kentucky Humane Society heard about the mama in need, they rushed to help. They were just in time — a huge litter was ready to arrive.

woman with pregnant dog
Facebook/Kentucky Humane Society

The dog, now named Momma Malone, was assessed by a team of vets who determined that the pup would likely need to give birth via C-section.

“I was excited — but also concerned,” Dr. Emily Bewley, who delivered the puppies, told The Dodo. “We were grateful that she had come to the Kentucky Humane Society, where we would be able to safely deliver her puppies.”

pregnant dog
Kentucky Humane Society

Momma Malone stayed at Dr. Bewley’s home during the final days of her pregnancy. Dr. Bewley knew there were a lot of puppies on the way and made sure all of the veterinary staff were ready to help to deliver them safely.

“On the way to the shelter, my son sat with her in the back of the car to comfort her,” Dr. Bewley said. “In the meantime, the veterinary team was preparing everyone at the shelter because we knew there were going to be a lot of puppies and we would need all hands on deck. Once we arrived at the shelter, the surgery only took 20 minutes.”

Everyone smiled as they looked at the new family. Usually, small dogs give birth to about two to five puppies. But Momma Malone had given birth to a whopping nine.

doctors with puppies
Kentucky Humane Society

Veterinarians initially worried that Momma Malone might have trouble connecting with her puppies due to the circumstances of the delivery, but they were thrilled to discover that the new mama had no trouble at all. It was clear she loved her babies.

“When she woke up, she took to [motherhood] like she had done it before, even though I’m pretty sure this is her first time,” Dr. Bewley said. “She’s taking good care of everybody.”

dog with puppies
Kentucky Humane Society

Momma Malone and her puppies will stay at the humane society until March, when they’ll be ready to search for their permanent homes.

The resilient terrier has survived an overcrowded shelter and an overcrowded belly. But when it comes to the number of babies snuggling with her in bed, it’s clear that nine suits her perfectly.

To help other dogs like Momma Malone and her puppies, make a donation to the Kentucky Humane Society. 

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