quoc. So Adorable! The Artist cleverly transforms foliage into sleeping baby birds

Jardin des Plantes, one of the ten main parks, is located in Nantes, France. It’s a seven-hectare botanical garden with approximately 10,000 different species and 5,000 different flowers. Besides enormous greenhouses and amazing statues, the park also attracts a lot of visitors by holding several exhibits each year to highlight the work of great local artists. One of the famous works of art is the fanciful topiary sculpture of sleeping baby birds.

Poussin Endormi, which translates to “sleepy chick,” displays a giant baby bird snoozing peacefully in the heart of the beautiful garden. The sculpture, designed by Claude Ponti – a French children’s book author and artist, was part of the garden’s 2014 display.

The adorable baby bird was completed with cute bamboo legs and a brilliant yellow beak. And the highlight is the chick’s drowsy eyelids outlined with lashes! Scroll down to check them out.












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