Aww Selling his home to cover a $24,000 veterinary bill, this man demonstrated his unwavering devotion and boundless love for his beloved companion.

Anyone who has ever had a veterinarian emergency with their four-legged best friend understands how expensive and difficult the whole process can be.

As a result, when one canine father faced veterinary bills in excess of $24,000, he declared that he was willing to go to unusual lengths to keep his young daughter alive.

Jaxon’s son is Rambo, a two-year-old Weimaraner. For unknown causes, Rambo went into hypovolemic shock, which meant her heart couldn’t pump blood to the rest of her body. She also had gastroenteritis, commonly known as stomach flu.

“She began vomiting over 30 times throughout the night,” Rambo’s father recalled. “By Saturday morning, we were at the emergency vets.”

Her health swiftly deteriorated, as you might expect, and they weren’t sure how long she’d be in emergency care. Fluids began to flow into her lungs, resulting in pneumonia, hypovolemic shock, and gastrointestinal issues. One of her lungs had completely ruptured.

Her life was spared by being at the emergency vet under 24-hour observation, although it cost more than £1000 ($1200 USD) every day. Rambo’s insurance would have covered her up to £6500 ($7,800), but her bill had already risen to £11,500 ($13,800) after only one week in their care.

Jaxon set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for Rambo’s life-saving therapy. He also indicated that he was willing to’sell his house.’

“If the worst happens and Rambo requires significant surgery, I need to be able to provide for my beautiful baby girl,” Jaxon added.

Her father became so terrified that he began sleeping in his car, which he parked near the vet in order not to be too far away from his precious baby girl. Not only did over 600 people donate, bringing the total amount raised to over £10,000 ($12,000), but Rambo responded to less invasive therapy, allowing them to avoid surgery entirely.

“My little angel is still far from recovered; she will have a long road to recovery, and she still requires 24-hour monitoring and a large dose of medication at this time,” Jaxon explained.

Rambo began to heal miraculously as a result of all the love, support, and outstanding care. She was allowed to leave the hospital after two weeks and come home with her devoted father.

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